Tuesday 3 May 2022

Character Traits

What can create a negative image of someone? Perhaps they have a disfiguring scar. They may have been in an accident or they may have gotten into a fight. There might be an interesting story to tell if they’re willing. But unfortunate as it may be, it also presents someone as ‘unclean’ and others might not be willing to be associated with them because of it. It portrays an untrusting image. Tattoos are another one. You’ve (hopefully) dedicated yourself to something or someone and you’ve had this commitment seared permanently into your skin to prove it. But to the onlooker, it might not mean a thing. The owner may not even want to share their story. It could cause them pain. Marijuana is another. Do I really want to spend my time standing next to you when you’re exhaling the stuff? Then there’s cigarette breath. I’m baffled by the number of people who have one last puff before they come into work then carry that odour with them for the rest of the day. All these traits conjure up an image which is important when creating first impressions. 

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