Wednesday 25 May 2022

Caged Up

My sister-in-law needed a new cage for her spaniel. He’s a gorgeous black little thing who’s quite old and never barks. He does like to be fussed over and loves to jump up on people to play with him. Often he’s happy if someone’s rubbing his forehead, but if people are eating then he has to be kept in a cage so that he doesn’t jump up and beg. When he’s out, if he’s naughty, he’ll either be kept inside, let out into the garden on his own, or he’ll be confined to the cage. At some point it was decided that his current cage was too big for him, and they could get a smaller one to save room and enforce a punishment. I suppose he could have also chewed through some of the bars and worn it down over time. There may have been a breakout, though a small repair would have been feasible. 

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