Thursday 5 May 2022

The Floor Is Lava!

I bought this game for my niece to encourage her to stop climbing all over the furniture and mover around the room in a constructive way to occupy herself. It proved to be quite a popular game. She’s played it before at other people’s houses, but she was delighted to have her own box to play it at home. It’s amazing how many tiles can fit within. They’re of good quality so long as everyone remembers to take their shoes off. There’s also a plastic spinner which is a bit flimsy on its cardboard base alongside some action cards. Some of the actions are pretty lame. It’s just an excuse to get everyone playing the game to move about more, and there’s no punishment or reward if you can’t complete the task. I think I’ll have to create an evil version. But it’s a great way to keep kids occupied when they’re stuck indoors.

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