Wednesday 11 May 2022

Back to the B&B #dreamdiary 131

I’ve returned to a B&B for a second stay. On my first visit, I got very friendly with the landlady’s daughter and she ended up spending the night in my room. She was a blonde girl with a petite frame but was very friendly and we sat together supping shorts in the small hours of the night at the premiss’s small wooden bar in the back. Then we retired to my room where we somehow both managed to fit into the single bed and spent the rest of the night together. I was expecting that she might get into trouble for not reporting for work the next day or that I might receive a stern telling off from the landlady, but fortunately it was smiles all round. Luckily, it was her rest day and the landlady said to me that we make a cute couple. But on this second visit, the landlady’s daughter was a bit frosty to me. Had I left it too long? Was it because I hadn’t kept in touch? Or perhaps she’d favoured someone else. Either way, I was struggling to get a smile out of her. 

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