Sunday 1 May 2022

Double Size

He’s rather large. Not just in height but girth too. He comes from a family trait of being tall. Rectangular glasses cover a plain symmetrical face, sometimes with a pimple which is something that can be made fun of. He likes to wear blazers, thin trousers and vests rather than coats, which often leaves him wet and prone to colds, though he always has a handkerchief to hand. He’s never afraid to gross people out though. He’s happy to wade through puddles to demonstrate his size. You’d have thought that he’d go in for sports but he wasn’t a team player. Both his sister and his parents are tall people. He’s used to ducking underneath doorways. Bouncer work comes naturally to him. He just has to do the attitude tests. I always thought that ties would be a problem, but amazingly, there’s no problems when it comes to finding clothes to fit him, though he may have to travel further beforehand. 

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