Saturday 28 May 2022

A Rude Awakening

I was up quite early. I don’t know why. Perhaps it was the excitement of the day. But there was a thumping in the corridor. I don’t know what was going on, but I stuck my head out to investigate. A young man was pounding on a door three doors down from me. I could hear him yelling as well. The person within was refusing to answer. There was no way of knowing if he was there at all. I was tempted to shout something back, but it could have been the breakfast chef for all I knew. I suppose I could have made some helpful suggestions, but it didn’t really bother me too much as I was up anyway. Learning from my previous night’s interaction with the Scottish locals, I decided to keep out of it and avoid a confrontation. The banging did carry on for a bit though. 

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