Sunday 29 May 2022

Spiderman: No Way Home

I hadn’t seen any films of this franchise or even the whole of the previous franchise; but I had enough knowledge of Spiderman to cope with a new film. The only things I wasn’t sure about were the first antagonist from its predecessor and Electro. Life would probably have been easier if Spiderman had pressed the button in the first place since the outcome would have been the same either way, but I suppose it was May’s key message that called him to put a focus on his actions. It was nice to see that Ned was tied into the Wongs though. There’s some fun moments that happen thick and fast like Spiderman’s battle with Strange in the mirror universe but I felt that in some ways it was more of a fan’s tribute film than a new adventure. In other ways it’s a prequel for Strange’s new film. I think the concept would have been more fun if the current Spiderman entered other realms. 

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