Tuesday 31 May 2022

A Nurse Puts a Healthy Baby Next to Its Dying Twin. What Happens Next left Everyone Without Words.

Shouldn’t this process of a hug be natural? This sibling has had another in the womb for nine months. It’s the only thing of comfort that each other knows. If anything, it’s a comfort for itself. It’s also a natural incubator that man cannot recreate. You can’t recreate love with a machine, no matter how soft you make it. You’d think that the twin was bidding farewell to its sibling, but after a long and unnecessary complex explanation about the baby’s mother, the story goes on to tell that the sibling recovered. It’s only natural that it wanted to copy its brother, but it’s still a miraculous tale, although the story does lack detail of the twin’s condition. There’s too much focus on the mother rather than the twins who draw you in. It’s the past that makes the story rather than the future, although it does encourage you to discover what happens next. 

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