Friday 27 May 2022

Green Mean Outbreak #dreamdiary 132

There’s something going around. I can’t quite put my finger on it. People are out and about wearing green chins with swarms of flies buzzing around their face. They also have swollen green cheeks. These people seem to be more direct in their approach. It’s as if they’ve been infected by an alien parasite. They’re approaching people and breathing into their mouths. After a few moments, the recipient begins to gag and vomit then collapse on the floor. The only way to escape it is to stay away from them. They’re congregating in urban centres where they can quickly build up numbers. I’m hiding with a group of people in a small rotunda which used to host a coffee shop. We’ve pushed all the tables and chairs to the exits but I think they’ve heard us. They’ve somehow climbed up to the window and smashed the glass. They’re in. They’ve got me. 

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