Monday 16 May 2022

End of the Line

I’d somehow missed the turning and got all the way to the fire station before turning around. I’m not sure what happened to the sat-nav. Maybe it gave up once it realised how north I was and didn’t want to take the responsibility of navigating any further. I soon arrived at a car park surrounded y a few buildings, mostly shops and cafes. They weren’t particularly inspiring, but I felt that I needed to check them out because of the effort that I’d made to get here. At the very least I wanted to get a keyring and some gifts for my family, and I had to shop around to ensure that I was getting the best deal. But first I had to take a picture of the fingerpost before a coach party turned up. There were already a bunch of cyclists and people in uniformed t-shirts who were either setting off or completing fund-raising efforts, so I had to pick my moment.


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