Monday 9 May 2022

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."

-Mahatma Gandhi.

No-one purposely wants to make a mistake. Some people even live in fear of them. Unfortunately, they do occur. You just have to hope that you can be forgiven if they affect others, or at the very least that they don’t notice them. But how tolerant should you be of others? The greater the mistake, the harder it is to forgive. But what may be a mistake in one man’s eyes may be justified in another, especially if you’re unlucky enough to leave in an alternative to freedom. There is always right and wrong, but when it’s down to someone else to decide, even if they haven’t witnessed the incident, that’s when mistakes hit you the hardest. Some people don’t know what freedom is until it’s been taken away from them. And most of us don’t want that. The best thing to do is to compromise wherever possible and live by a set of guidelines that everyone agrees to. 

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