Wednesday 18 May 2022

The World out There

So apart from the shopping village and the fingerpost, there wasn’t much there. There was a ferry in port at the harbour and a line of fishing pots, but no-one was about. I wasn’t hungry so the only thing left to do was to go souvenir shopping. There were three shops to choose from, and after browsing them all and working out the best deals I picked up some shortbread for home, for work, and to give to the family. I also got myself a keyring to say that I’d been to the most northern point in the country, although from looking at the map, the cliffs seemed like they were further out. Maybe it’s based on magnetic north and everything is at an angle. In any case, I still had over four hours of driving to do to get to the hotel, so I thought I’d better give them a call when I was nearby to make sure that my room was still available.   

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