Friday 6 May 2022

To Stop or Not?

It was time to head further north than I’d ever gone before. My plan was to reach John O’Groats, though I was to do this on my own. Had someone else been with me, I might not have the freedom to make that call. We packed up and departed, perhaps a little later than we would have liked but we all recognised the long journey that we had. As I descended the bridge, I came across two hitchhikers, a man and a woman. They both seemed friendly as they waved me down and I toyed with the idea of offering them a lift. But the question was how far would I take them? Would they talk me into dropping them at their doorstep, thus depriving me of my own freedom? Or would we get all get on like a house on fire? It’s very difficult to make a good impression at one glance. Perhaps if they were both ladies I might have given it a bit more thought. 


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