Monday 30 May 2022

What A Fiesta!

I showered and started to pack up my things. I thought I’d load up the car then go and have breakfast before hitting the road. It was a cloudy day but the sun was out trying to warm up the land. I found the car and unlocked it but the door didn’t open. I looked at the car. There was a baby seat in the back. My car was parked another two car lengths away. Clearly I needed some coffee before I continued any further. I looked around the street. Someone was probably watching me trying to enter a vehicle that wasn’t mine. I looked up at the flat windows but the curtains were all shut. Luckily, it was a Sunday morning and the street was deserted. Perhaps everyone was treating themselves to a lie-in after being woken up early by someone hammering on the door trying to wake his mate up. 

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