Saturday 21 May 2022

I Got You Dave

He’s tall with short, white hair and a wide face, but not so much that he’s obese. He’s well-travelled which keeps him fit and active and likes seeking out adventure. He’s always happy to share his experiences with others. And he’s not afraid to be a critic to the system, so long as he doesn’t have to be up there in the face. Talk to him and you may think he’s slow-witted, but it’s just his speech and you’ll never have trouble understanding him. Occasionally the veins in the face might light up, but that’s just a sign of a good day on the beer. Shorts are usually his preferred method of dress with a white t-shirt, and a silver chain. In winter he may resort to jeans, but he’ll always be brown-booted. Occasionally this may be beer-themed if he’s on an associated visit. And you can guarantee that he knows his way around the kitchen even if he’s not cooking.   

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