Monday 23 May 2022

Problems Kids Face

They’re smaller. They’re inexperienced and don’t know the problems they face. When something goes wrong, they want to conform in someone that they trust who’s bigger than them, familiar to them, and willing to fight for them. There may be peers that are bigger than them or more advanced than them that they may have to compete with. They also need to be watched to ensure their safety and well-being. They may be taken advantaged of because of their vulnerability. They may have to battle their peers and siblings to ensure their supremacy. Because they’re smaller, they have to be louder so that they can be heard. They have to follow more rules and guidelines to keep themselves safe so that they can settle into a healthy routine for their development. They have to be reminded of things so that they retain this information. They have to learn who they can trust and who might hinder them. They have to learn whose advice is the best to take. 

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