Friday 30 November 2018

Destination: Housewife

Why would anyone want to choose to be a housewife?  You might be taken of and have all your worries catered for; but that’s only if you end up in the right situation. And that’s only if you’ve mastered the correct skills. You’ll need to be an expert in cooking, cleaning and caring for other individuals; and that’s only if they value you as a person. Add in the fact that you’re confined to cater to the same household day after day without any variant and you’ll find that your day can get quite dull quite quickly. You’ll also lose your independence and have very little say in how the household is run; let alone any future decisions. And the biggest risk of all is trusting one person to make your decisions for you. To many it might seem like an easy way out, but to me that sounds like a life of slavery.

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