Tuesday 6 November 2018

Winter Theatre #dreamdiary 68

I’ve returned to college to visit some friends. I’m being put up at a friend’s house who now lives there permanently. The only trouble is that I don’t know where he lives and I don’t have his number; we’ve only managed to keep in touch through Facebook which has managed to become suspended through a lack of power on my phone. So I’ve taken to wandering through the backstreets of a new residential part of town where I think I might be living. There’s no sign of him, but I do bump into another friend who has no idea that I’m visiting but agrees to put me up for the evening while my phone makes a recovery. As I bring my things inside, I begin to sing an old number from one of our old productions. My friend overhears me and joins in from the other side of the road; giving his neighbours a winter performance in the middle of the street.

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