Monday 26 November 2018

Proving them Wrong

"If you hear a voice within you say, 'You cannot paint,' then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” -Vincent Van Gogh

I once stopped over at a friend of a friend’s house. We’d just finished a camping trip and on the last night we both got invited over for drinks. Among the many weird and wonderful conversations that we had; one of them got me talking to him about my future. And of course, the ultimate question that he asked is what I want to do in my life. Inevitably we got into an argument that I’d never amount to anything if I continued to pursue my current career path. We didn’t exactly figure out a strategy, but deep down I think he was trying to use reverse psychology to get me to prove him wrong. Unfortunately, it hasn’t happened yet, but I like to think that I will. I’ve just got to get on with it so that I can go back to him and rub my success in his face.  

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