Tuesday 20 November 2018

Computers don't Care

It’s official – computers don’t care; or at least the latest version of Microsoft Word doesn’t. I’ve just the phrase ‘take care’ in a comprehensive sentence and the spellchecker identified the word ‘care’ as a mistake. And not just as a grammar error or to clarify the sentence; but as a genuine spelling error. Put simply, ‘care’ is not in the computer’s dictionary. And there’s no alternatives or suggestions either. I’ve since used the word in a different document and it worked fine; it must have been how the document was set up when I typed over a previous sentence. But if computers don’t care then how are we to rely on them? If we ignore our alarm and turn it off, it the computer going to get us up out of bed in the morning? If we trust them to send e-mails then how do we know that they’ve actually sent it until the person receiving the e-mail complains that they haven’t received it? It just goes to show that you can’t trust a computer.

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