Wednesday 14 November 2018

The Bargain Hunter

A cautious lady, she’ll come in to browse and sniff the bargains out. Like a ferret, she browses the catalogue unsure of whether to part with her cash or not. Each item has to be absolutely perfect, so she has to look at every single aspect of it first, and this will follow with a million questions that we have no idea how to answer. We then take the trouble to get the item out of the box and break the seal so that she can view it in its entirety. After that she’ll disappear to do some comparisons and work out where she can get it for the cheapest possible price. When she does put her cash out to buy it, she’ll want to be absolutely sure that it’s what she wants. And if one thing isn’t to her liking, the whole thing will come back used and in bits and she’ll expecting a full refund.

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