Friday 9 November 2018

Out with Da Boss

It’s Christmas time and more importantly it’s the office Christmas party! Oddly, my boss has decided that he’s spending the night at my house so that he can roll into work the following morning. And because he’s on shift the day before; the plan was to leave the car at my house then get stuck into a few pre-meal pints at the local Wetherspoons before heading on down to the restaurant. Unfortunately, he got stuck at the shop so I had to wait around a while before I could meet up at the bar with my fellow co-workers. We managed to get through three pints in about an hour before deciding how to get there. Some folks managed to grab a lift but we decided to walk it and get some air along the way, allowing those who were in posher clobber than us to keep dry. It only took twenty minutes and we gave him a very brief tour along the way.

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