Monday 19 November 2018

Optical Antlers

Reindeer specs are a great idea. I once owned a see-through glitter pair with a Rudolph above each frame. They were in high demand and were borrowed often by other people for parties. The last time I saw them was when I put them in a cage for safekeeping; little forgetting that I had to load the same cage onto a trolley within the next half hour. I only realised my mistake when I’d sealed the lorry up and I couldn’t be bothered to go through the hassle of unsealing the lorry and make the driver fish them out. I’d had a good three year run with them, and no doubt they’ve either been discarded or passed on by a warehouse worker as well. Unfortunately these antlers didn’t make me fly. I’m not entirely sure that these are antlers either. They’re more like wacky ‘W’s. Maybe they’re balloons which make the glasses fly off my face so that you can see the handsome me underneath.

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