Tuesday 13 November 2018

Post Party Breakfast

After drinks I’d planned to call a taxi back and sit up late into the night with my boss for a nightcap. I’d even got some Christmas ales planned. Instead a colleague offered to drop us off and he wanted to turn straight into bed. After a cup of tea, I’d left him a bottle of water for the night and turned in myself. When morning came, I got myself a morning cuppa and a quick shower then settled down to watch Game of Thrones to await his awakening. I discussed breakfast options and we decided that the Pitcher Oak Golf Course would be the most favourable. We settled into a par 4 breakfast with mushrooms and par 5 breakfast respectively; which amazingly he couldn’t finish. He did enjoy the atmosphere and the fact that he could watch the live cricket on the café’s TV while checking his e-mail on the café’s wi-fi at the same time.

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