Thursday 22 November 2018

Animal Club #dreamdiary69

It’s a hot and sunny afternoon and I’m queuing to get into a nightclub that has a good reputation for drinks and an excellent outdoor beer garden. It’s in the bottom middle row of a two-storey glass complex where each unit has glass windows and has a concave glass design with a staircase either side while the rest of the structure is made of pale brick. Even though it’s only 4pm, there’s a bouncer present in a round beige suit. There’s five of us in our group and as we pass through the entrance, I’m told that the only reason that we’re being let in is that there’s an Italian in our group. As we walk through, I wonder which of us he assumes to be an Italian. We pass through a series of booths and head straight for the outside beer garden where several sofas are laid out attractively in a concave shape. We’re shown to a seating area and we’re presented with a drinks menu. As I browse the menu I look around and happen to catch a glance at the being on the next table. It’s a six-foot man in a blue suit with a squirrel for a head.

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