Saturday 17 November 2018

The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough

The Thorn BirdsThe Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This is a long novel stretched across the outback and beyond. There’s some great descriptions of the natural scenery and how life progresses into the twentieth century. I found the idea of Cleary life quite quaint because of the fact they’re millionaires that choose to be quite reclusive and hide themselves from the rest of the world on Drogheda. It must be quite a contempt life to do this rather than exert their influence upon the world. Paddy’s death was quite heart-breaking but most of the other female character seem set to outlive the sun itself. It’s a shame that McCullough didn’t reserve the identity of Dane’s father. I felt that this would have had a much more dramatic effect. I also found that Justine was the only humorous character in the whole novel; all the others seemed bland enough to stick to the tradition of going with the flow; with the exception of the inner yearnings of Mary Carson whose values seem to be inherited by Justine.

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