Sunday 11 November 2018

Party Champion

We arrive at our venue and we’re shown to our table but the first thing that the boss decides is that the area isn’t set up to his liking. We’re all split up into smaller tables and people have their backs to each other so that not everyone can see one another. Like a military sergeant, he begins barking order and soon enough we have one large square. Two other problems then become apparent. The new seating arrangements encompass some booth seating which makes it hard for people to access; especially the waiters. The second problem is that there aren’t enough seats for everyone. Also, our party organiser isn’t feeling very well, so it’s down to me to ensure that everything happens. When our complimentary prosecco doesn’t appear, it’s up to me to make it materialise which arrives during the main course rather than on arrival as planned. It’s not my role to do this; though it falls on me to make it happen.

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