Sunday 25 November 2018


Once we’d sorted out the customers and had enough staff to run the shop, the next stage was to prepare for the delivery that we’d had to cancel the night before. They don’t call them artic lorries for nothing. The driver had to wait a while but he was happy to take his break before we offloaded him. This gave us enough time to clear a path from his parking spot to the warehouse door. It took us about half an hour to get the job done, and we found that the ground thawed much quicker after we’d cleared the drains. After much digging and gritting we’d cleared a decent path and the friction of pushing the cages across the loading bay melted the rest. Then it was business as usual and the day got easier and easier as more staff were able to make the journey in. We even helped our neighbours out as they were able to use our parking space to unload their vehicle; though they still had to struggle with the ice leading up to their door.

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