Wednesday 7 November 2018

Mustachio Me

I once entered into a pact with a friend at work to let our facial hair grow for thirty days. We decided to do this in Movember to raise money for a cancer awareness charity. Every week I had to publish a selfie on social media to show my progress and encourage friends and family to make donations. Amazingly, I managed to raise £25, which is more than my colleague raised who was the protagonist in this venture. At the end of the month, I published a final photo with a poll to let people decide whether I should keep the ‘tach or not. The consensus was that the moustache itself should go but I should leave a bit of stubble on the beard. I managed to keep this up until it got too embarrassingly messy to trim, and got rid of the whole thing in time for Christmas. I still like to keep a bit of stubble, but usually it’s because I don’t take time to touch it up properly.

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