Saturday 1 December 2018

Mobile Mayhem

I’m getting a bit fed up of the company asking us to use our own property more and more. There’s always been a ban on mobile phones in the workplace and that we should keep them confined to the staff area and our lockers; but lately the company’s asked us to take advantage of the latest technologies by signing up to chat groups and networks on our own devices. It’s also frustrating that there’s no employee wi-fi; yet alone any for the customers to use their devices. And it’s not just our battery power that’s being used; it’s our data allowance as well. The other annoying thing is that we also receive updates when we’re outside of the workplace and we can’t always turn these off. So if they’re not going to improve their infrastructure or arm us with devices that allow us to do the job, then at least they should put an allowance towards the cost of us keeping our phones.

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