Saturday 22 December 2018

It's Gone Time

It’s a mad dash for the shops as everyone’s coming in for their last grocery shop before Christmas. People are struggling to cope as most retailers will be closed for a whole day. There’s cars everywhere and trollies are only to be found scattered about the car park. Some people are darting in for the last thing that they’ve forgotten in the hope of grabbing it and making a quick exit. Others are simply confused as they carry a single bell pepper outstretched in front of them as if it was a hand grenade. There’s people in pyjamas and onesies stacking shelves and a woman pushing a trolley of freshly baked loaves as though they were bricks. After doing several U-turns in the frozen aisle to avoid the chaos of trollies everywhere and catching up with my mother on the next aisle; we swing behind a single old man with a broken arm who’s dumped his basket on the conveyor belt. Naturally, it’s up to me to remove it. Our escape isn’t too bad; there’s still space to reach around the back of the car to load up and go.

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