Sunday 30 December 2018


I might seem like a true party pooper with this next piece; but when I did attend this party it was straight after finishing a shift at work with the intention of just picking up my mother who’d been there all day. Enter the idea of picking out music videos on the TV. This was clearly ill prepared as the hosts had no idea how to do this or the equipment required. We ended up installing an update for an app on the idea while we anxiously cheered on the progress bar in the hope that there would be voice recognition when the update was complete. It was clearly not. After that it was a case of choosing the same person who fumbled with the remote every time when it came to punching in the name of the next song. The poor guy operating the remote sat behind the fireplace, so he didn’t have a clear view of what was going on. He even insisted on looking up the name of the group before typing it in rather than just typing in the song name. Perhaps another game should have been prepared.

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