Monday 17 December 2018

Snowmobile Park

Snow has hit our hidden town and I’ve been called in to open up the shop. I’ve had a phone call from one boss saying that she can’t get there and that I should go in her place and set up a command centre to see whether we can trade or not and rely a message to the rest of the staff. I then get in touch with the original colleague who she was supposed to be working with to affirm that I’ll be arriving on foot in her place and that I’m on my way. There’s not a car in sight, but there is a shopping trolley that someone could convert into a snowmobile. People are asking me if they should come in. I have to explain that if it’s safe for them to make an attempt to come into work then they should do so; but I’m not going to force them into coming in and be responsible for any accidents. Eventually a small team arrives and we open up. I then have to decide how long are we going to be open for and how long can we hold out.

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