Thursday 13 December 2018

The Richards Review

It’s been a hard year for the Richards clan but we’re making it through. There’s the grandmother who’s battling hard to stay positive in readiness for her first Christmas without her loved one. There’s the youngest gorgeous granddaughter who’s just beginning to talk and pulls a cheeky grin every time she’s put in front of a camera. There’s the hard-working Dad who’s celebrating his first Christmas with his newly married wife. There’s the new daughter-in-law who’s suffered a year of ups and downs with both positives and negatives and is always trying to make the best out of everything. There’s a second older granddaughter who’s been through her own medical trauma and is healing up fine and is doing her upmost to hold up as much Christmas cheer as she possibly can. Finally, there’s the suffering son who must somehow hold it all together and keep going all the while trying to find his own path.

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