Sunday 16 December 2018

Mr. Bucket

The idea of this simple children’s game is very entertaining. It’s a bucket that spits out coloured balls and your job is to scoop up your chosen coloured balls with your shovel and be the first to get all your balls back inside the bucket. The only trouble is that the thing fires them out fast indeed; so much so that’s it’s to the point of exhaustion. To make things more interesting, there’s even hands which wave back and forth across the lip which blocks your way; forcing you to chase your ball across the floor again. It’s also quite frustrating to put the thing together. It took me a fair while to get the nose clipped in correctly; and  I wasn’t sure whether the hands were properly attached or not either. There were also stickers to add which was frustrating as it’s always awkward to get them lined up in exactly the right places. But we turned it on and I’m not entirely ensure whether it’s supposed to travel backwards; but logically it makes sense as otherwise the balls would never come out. And the kids love it.

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