Saturday 15 December 2018

The Chain Joke

It’s nice to receive a chain joke, but often it’s a bit of a shame when people decide to kill it. I can see why though; people want to get on with other things in their lives. It’s nice that they’ve thought of you; so long as it’s from the actual person and not from a bot. Occasionally you’ll get the odd one that you just don’t understand at all, and you’ll choose to bin it immediately rather than read it or at least the first few seconds. Or you might forward it onto someone, and they might be grateful to receive it; but after that it’s a toss of the coin as to whether they send it on as well. You can ask them if they got it the next time you see them in person, and it might make a little conversation opener. It may also cause you a bit of embarrassment if you haven’t actually read it.

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