Monday 24 December 2018

Meddling With Meercats

It’s car insurance renewal time again – just what you want to think about on Christmas Eve. But be as it may, the cogs of the world must turn on. This year, the people at the office want to charge me an extra £65 for their electronic mail; despite me not having to contact them at all in the last twelve months other than to buy the legal document that I required the year before. Yet other providers are quite happy to charge me £95 less for their services which have some bonus extras flung in as well. It’s almost as if my current provider has already decided that they don’t want their custom this year as they have plenty of other people who need their services to deal with. So naturally I haven’t renewed and had a word with the meerkats who did find me a better deal; and then I got confused with another comparison site who managed to save me a tiny bit more for the exact same policy. I just hope that they don’t try crawling to me with their hands outstretched next year.

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