Tuesday 25 December 2018

Merry Christmas!

So if there really is a jolly fat man whose mission is to deliver toys to all the children in the world in one night, then why does he choose to reside in the North Pole? It’s one of the remotest places on the planet. Surely he’d choose to settle down somewhere that’s a bit more central to make things easier? Or the other hand, he may have chosen the location to get away from our increasing population with the excuse that it’s too much work to meet the demand. With the ice caps melting, we’re bound to discover him sooner or later. Unless of course, he’s already moved underground and into the desert. If it was me, I’d operate it from the moon as it would always be in sight should anything go wrong. With the speed that I travel, getting out of orbit and onto the planet should be no trouble at all.

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