Friday 21 December 2018

Making Tracks

I love the feel of fresh snow. I love the sound of the first scrunch as you make your first mark with your foot. The deeper the better, unless you’re in a hurry then it’ll slow you down and you should really allow extra time for your journey. If the roads have fresh snow then it’s a big no-no. Of course, later on when the snow stops falling, it’s hard to find a fresh patch when you’re in an urban area. It’s all been trodden on and scrunched together, and it’s no longer smooth. And as it’s been compacted, it’s more likely to freeze overnight and become extra slippery. Compacted snow also takes longer to melt away. But when the compact snow has taken over, there’s very little effort from people to get out there and make tracks or even build a snowman. They’d rather just hole up inside and let someone else do it.

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