Saturday 29 December 2018

I Want to Ride My Bicycle!

What’s the best thing for children to do on Christmas day? Go outside and play! There wasn’t any snow, but these kids had wheels. So after Christmas dinner and in the last hour of daylight it was time to don hats and coats and hit the rec ground opposite where my brother lives. As we went outside, he magically made bicycles appear from his van; where he’d been storing them out of the way to give the other thirteen of us a bit more room in the house. The oldest child had the biggest bike, and it was time for her to start learning to ride without stabilisers. Luckily Dad wasn’t far behind to stop her from toppling over. The other two did have stabilisers fitted, but couldn’t grasp the concept of pedalling to make the bike move at all. This resulted in a lot of pushing across the rec ground by the grown-ups to make the thing move, which they enjoyed much more than the pedalling that they failed to grasp.

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