Sunday 2 December 2018

The Black Tower

There’s an office tower near to the railway line just outside King’s Norton. It’s made of black glass and stretches up into the sky. Below it is an old factory made of brick with closed gates leading onto the railway track followed by an overspill car park for the current rail station. I wonder what ghastly deeds came out of this empire? Maybe the business has carried on in a faraway country; leaving the office behind to interact as a worldwide headquarters. The CEO must have a great view at the top; if only to show off to his subordinates while he’s teleconferencing. Yet down below, it’s pretty sparse. Perhaps there’s a white-collar worker inside wandering around the cubicles with a bottle of scotch surveying what was once his kingdom. Or maybe it’s a secret government bunker storing reserves of food or medicine in preparation for a Brexit crisis. Perhaps in the future years the tower could be used as an observation point for tourism? But most likely the whole thing will be torn down to make way for housing.

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