Thursday 20 December 2018

Droning on About Drones

Why is everyone droning on about drone disruption? The technology has been around for a while now; so surely the government should have foreseen this kind of trespassing? There’s been a lot of talk about drone registration and law enforcement when drones reached the shelves so why hasn’t this been actioned? What’s happened to the jamming posts which should be fitted on the airport’s perimeter fences to prevent these incidents from happening? In any case, there’s only one airport which seems to have been affected, so is this a case of being caught with their trousers down? If they’re not enforcing their borders, then ultimately they should be the ones responsible if they’re not doing their civic duty to catch the perpetrators. They’ve talked about shooting the drone down but why haven’t they acted? And why aren’t aircraft fitted with similar jamming devices to prevent drones from getting near them while they’re in the air? It just goes to show how behind the times our government really is.

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