Friday 14 December 2018

The Get It Man

I seem to be a man who can get things lately. It’s a bit odd as we’re not in a prison yet I now know how Morgan Freeman felt when he acquired certain items in exchange for packets of cigarettes. There’s just two downsides; I’m making very little money from it and the other major thing that it’s costing me is time. I don’t mind collecting items when I’m on site anyway but to ask me to be in at a certain time to organise a collection when I’m due to be at home is just downright inconsiderate; especially if there’s no bonus for me. Another area where it gets complicated is when I must fund the purchase in advance; source the item and wait months later for the final payment. Even when I get small items, I still have to have them hanging around for a collection that would suit them. It’s time for others to be a bit more independent. Either that or I’m going to have to ask more things of them…

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