Sunday 9 December 2018

Tree Blockers

What are these things that enforce us to dress up on the shortest day of the year? It’s only the start of the cold season, yet people will insist upon dragging us inside to be dressed up in all kinds of shiny things and fake lights (which we’re most grateful for) only to be thrown out a month later? It’s providing us with a real treat only to snatch the luxury away again when we need the most comfort. Perhaps it’s their way of providing for us; to prepare ourselves for those three months afterwards. We don’t know if we’re being punished for some unknown sin; though they do get frustrated when our pine needles are shed upon the inside ground. There’s also rather a lot of noise. Outside we’re used to the big metal boxes whizzing by but inside there’s a black window which makes all sorts of noises which really does get in the way of trying to sleep. No wonder we’re exhausted by the end of it all.

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