Saturday 8 December 2018

Redditch Spice Bazaar #dreamdiary70

I’ve got a job in my town’s newest food store in the shopping centre. Simply put, we just sell spices. The customer walks in to view a large glass counter with some scales at the end; while a big poster on the wall lists the various spices for sale. Behind the counter is a set of steps similar to an auditorium which are covered in green Velcro carpeting. On each step at three feet intervals lies some earthen pots with a large lid placed just behind each one. It’s my job to go up and scoop out each spice and bring it down to the scales. Occasionally I have to climb up the steps to the back and up a ladder to get to the store room, while underneath the steps lies our computer for accounting purposes, a kettle and fridge, some chairs and a door which grants access to the loading bay.

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