Wednesday 12 December 2018

Follow Your Dreams

"Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs." -Farrah Gray

The problem with today’s world is that we always want the easy option. Everyone always wants things done for them and they’re not prepared to put the effort in. But if you don’t put the effort in, then there’s little in life that you can control, and you’ll end up being ruled over by everyone else’s decisions. You’ll end up in a job doing a task that someone dictates to you which makes you feel small and you’ll struggle to feel valued while contributing to someone else’s plan. It’s not slavery, but you don’t get to choose how you earn your living either. The worst part then is that you’ll feel bogged down competing all the other tasks and you’ll run out of time to complete the ones that you’ll find the most fulfilling. And if you don’t show enthusiasm while you’re in your current job, it makes it all the more easier for them to throw you on the scrap heap.

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