Monday 10 April 2023

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."

-Steve Jobs.

It’s not good news for people who are fans of linear travel. If you’re taking transport, then the logistic is fairly simple and you would technically have to wait for something to come back to you and stop in the right place. But if you’re venturing out into somewhere that you haven’t been to before, you’ve got no choice other than to move forward and ask around, though you might be able to do some research first or borrow off other people’s experiences. Trusting isn’t good enough. You’re going to need a plan to succeed. Because if you’re just hoping that things will turn out the way you want, it’s a big ask. You’re going to have to put some effort in. You’re going to have to make those connections to make those dots join up and make them circular, or at least make them flow in the right direction.

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