Friday 14 April 2023

England's National Bird

When you think of national birds, there’s the kiwi which is obviously New Zealand, the bald-headed eagle for our American friends and the next famous would be the Australian emu. But what about here in Blighty? It’d have to be a bird that puts up with the cold and doesn’t want to migrate every year to stay warm. It’s the one bird that’s featured on the Christmas cards which makes all the other birds jealous as this species is given special status. And if you own a garden and feed the birds, you’re bound to see one of these each day throughout the year. It’s the humble robin, or European robin to be precise, which is perhaps why it doesn’t have an official listing. Rather than opt for a bird that’s sturdy or known for its toughness, we seem to have been allocated one that’s cute and cuddly. But if you investigate its characteristics, it’s very territorial and isn’t afraid to attack other species. It’s probably because everyone believes they are cute and cuddly and harmless…

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