Saturday 15 April 2023

The Tramp's Trampoline

It’s amazing what you can find lying around. Someone’s having  a clearout. It’s nice to see that in a time of greed, someone’s willing to do a good deed to a stranger. It’s a simple act of kindness that’s saving them some space but it’s also bringing joy to others, though it does look a bit knackered and you’ve got to wonder if it’s better used as scrap or spare parts. There’s a lot of netting that could be used, though some of it is torn. The rim doesn’t look great either. It would certainly make a comfortable bed for someone, though you’d have to inspect it first. It’s whoever gets to it first wins, and even if you spot it you’ve got to be quick arrange transportation and stay on guard before someone else is able to mobilise themselves. It might not be lying around for long. It’d be nice to think that it does find a new home without making someone some fast cash.


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