Saturday 22 April 2023

I blocked someone. I thought he would ask me about it, but he just blocked me too. What should I do?

At first glance, it all seems a bit childish. But then it depends on what your definition of blocking is. If it’s a case that you’re no longer going to communicate on social media any more, then so be it. But if you’re going to ignore that person entirely in person, that opens up a whole bunch of problems, especially if you know and are expected to work with them. You obviously know this person as you’re expecting them to enquire about it in a medium other to what you’re using. The odd thing is how you’ve discovered that they’ve blocked you as you wouldn’t be receiving any notifications from them anyway. The only way for you to discover this is that you’ve obviously asked other people about it. If you care, then you should really speak up and work the issue out. Or you could ask yourself whether you value it and carry on as you are.

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